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Showing posts from July, 2015

Welcoming Ceremony for Incentive Group From Chengdu and Guangzhou

This July brings 2000 tourist from China, choose to visit Langkawi Island via charter flight. Langkawi Development Authority hosting a welcoming ceremony and welcoming cocktail drinks as a thank you note for them....hope they enjoy Langkawi and beaches!!! Eventhough the arrival is delayed until sahur time (4.00 am Chengdu and 5.30 am for Guangzhou), LADA's officer still there to do the welcoming!!!

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Anjuran LADA di Kg. Selat Lubuk Chempedak

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Apa Khabar..... Bersempena dengan Bulan Ramadhan yang penuh barakah, Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi telah menganjurkan majlis berbuka puasa di Masjid Al-Hijrah, Kg. Selat Lubuk Chempedak. Makanan yang disediakan secara gotong royong ala - ala kenduri zaman 80-an amat menyelerakan!!!!

Welcome Charter Flight Chinese Tourist - Hun Hao

2,000 China tourist to be in Langkawi via charter flight this month. All of them are greeted and welcomed by a cultural performances. Thanks to Langkawi Development Authority to initiate the incentives for this group!!!!